Forget Bottled Water, Boxed Water is the Future

This is one of those ideas that just makes you wonder, why didn’t I think of that? Everyone knows bottled water is horrible for the environment, yet that doesn’t stop people from buying it. It’s just so darn convenient to grab a bottle on the go or from a vending machine. And then there is the extreme – the primadonas that refuse to ever drink tap water. With such a diverse marketplace, it sells even without sex.

Let me introduce you to BOXED water. Boxed water solves many of the problems of bottled water. The boxes are made from a renewable resource, ship flat to the filler, ship more efficiently when full, and are recyclable. To top things off, 10% of the company’s profit is donated to water supply charities and another 10% to reforestation foundations. Not too shabby.

Yes, drinking tap water is still better for the environment, but this is a pretty good solution to sate the world’s incredible demand for premium water on the go. What do you think?

For some reason they still haven’t started selling boxed water in the hippie capital of the United States, the San Francisco Bay Area. It could be fun to help the company launch and promote here and I’m sure they could use the help.
Embarrassing story alert: I found out about boxed water from a Hillary Duff celebrity tabloid photo. I guess I saw a link about her new tattoo and had to click it (wouldn’t you?). But then the nerd in me quickly got interested in boxed water …

12 thoughts on “Forget Bottled Water, Boxed Water is the Future

  1. Ali D. says:

    Wow…I’m still wondering why this hasn’t been thought of before. I mean…we have cartons of milk. And cartons of egg whites. Why not cartons of water? Genius.

    • Ali D. says:

      Crap..I just thought of something. Wouldn’t this still have a negative impact on the environment with regards to how many trees are cut down to meet the new demand for cartons? Say we decided to carton everything. Would this be actually solving a problem or starting a new one?

      Save the rain forest.

      • Skinner says:

        Well trees are more sustainable than plastic, because who even knows where plastic comes from. Trees grow out of the ground and can be used sustainably – plant as many as you cut down! But it usually doesn’t work that way. Can we plant as many plastic trees as we use for our bottles of water? Prolly not …

        Negative impact? Potentially (and usually in practice). But better.

  2. I sent them a request to get in the Bay Area asap. I’ll let you know if they respond…
    Seriously though, how did we not think of this? I like that it is essentially just filtered tap water anyway, awesome company.

    • Skinner says:

      Seriously. Any other free stuff we can package up in a not so creative way (I won’t even call it creative it is so obvious – how did we not think of this) to start an awesome company?

      • Scott H says:

        How about boxing up computers? Make them easy to open so that updating hardware is easy, and creating new looks becomes enjoyable for consumers. It would make them lighter as well.

  3. D says:

    Boxed Water is an incredible idea, but it will probably be abused just like everything else in a consumerist society. I think the only real solution is to realize how much we’re consuming (or more importantly wasting through consumption), and change that. Granted boxes are far more sustainable than plastic, the only real solution is to carry a water bottle more often.

    Really this is connected to any pre-packaged food – fast-food, grocery stores – it’s quite hard to avoid packaging.

    It’s a great idea, i mean we all get caught up in the hustle and bustle!

  4. kDh says:

    good idea. i think that it would be great to have this in sf. it does seem a more sustainable alternative to bottled water but here are some thoughts on any type of water sold in a container:

    -do some research on what the source of the water is first. the bottled water industry (and presumably the boxed water industry) is not as strictly regulated as the drinking water coming out of your tap.

    -when you buy water our by the bottle (or box) vs. the tap you are paying SIGNIFICANTLY more per fluid oz.

    -SF drinking water is some of the BEST IN THE COUNTRY! seriously, you should all be drinking out of camelbak water bottles (albeit your water does come from the hetch hetchy ; another can of worms completely)

    -our lives are designed for bottle and cup shaped things (e.g. cup holders in cars). that is part of what makes water bottles attractive, their mobility. they lose part of their utility as you move toward a box b/c of shape difference.

    just some things to think about

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