The Difference Between Politicians and Pundits

I don’t follow politics closely at all. It’s just not a passion of mine. But I do get all riled up when people are idiots and confuse politicians with political pundits. Politicians should be held to a higher standard, they have the difficult job of making unpopular decisions and compromises for the sake of progress. Pundits are there to discuss the work (or potential work) of politicians, nothing more. Please don’t tell me your favorite pundit would make a great politician – sure they can talk, but can they actually solve any problems? Oh, and once you decide to be a pundit you shouldn’t go back to office.

I have no problem with a politician like John McCain – I believe he is attempting to make the United States a better place. Sure he does it by playing hard partisan politics (not supporting any Democratic initiatives), but it’s so that when the Republican party is in office the “real” progress can be made. He is such a team player that he puts Republican party official stance ahead of his own beliefs (whatever they are) by flip-flopping whenever it will help the party.

But then you have a guy like Glenn Beck, popular Fox News pundit, heralded by the conservative media and a huge Tea Party advocate. He is a troublemaker. That is his goal (no he is not stupid). It’s pretty obvious. In fact, he is even quoted in Forbes saying as much:

With a deadpan, Beck insists that he is not political: “I could give a flying crap about the political process.” Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage. “We’re an entertainment company,” Beck says.

And yet so many idiots give him a voice by tuning in and listening to the reeeeediculous things he says. But how do I know I’m not just being a hypocrite – is the liberal media just as ornery but I choose to ignore it because they tend to be more in line with my personal political beliefs? I don’t want to be that person, so blinded by their own beliefs they fail to realize not everyone agrees with them.

A non-partisan website called PolitiFact actually provides some data to back up my gut belief. They have a truth-o-meter that is scientifically calibrated to gauge the veracity of public statements ranging from “True” to “Pants on Fire!” And their findings for Glenn Beck? The evidence at hand suggests he is a liar. But enough of the political speak, what do I really think? That Glenn Beck is a troublemaker who makes up lies for ratings and is detrimental to the political progress of the United States!

The article that introduced me to the truth-o-meter: Propaganda and Disinformation

2 thoughts on “The Difference Between Politicians and Pundits

  1. Matt says:

    Go get ’em Bri. Very upsetting that anyone would call for Beck in office. Like his quote about the focus on money, not politics. That justifies everything, right?

    • Skinner says:

      I sure think so, although quite a bit is inferred from his quote. He doesn’t directly say that the reasons he makes absurd statements and outright lies is to make money – in fact, he doesn’t even say that the purpose of his entertainment company is to make money. But with a little imagination and a slight lean to the left, it isn’t hard to justify Beck’s statement as proof of his ill intentions.

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